What is a dense breast tissue?
Breasts are composed of lobules/glandular tissues, ducts, fibrous tissues and fat. A breast is a synthesis of glandular tissue, (lobules), of milk ducts, of fibrous tissue and fat. 15% of women in their 40’s or younger have very dense breast and about 50% have various degree of density. Only 2% of Women of 70’s have very dense breast and about 25% various degree of density.
Is dense breast a risk factor for breast cancer? Could the risk factors of breast cancer add to the dense breasts?
Answer is : Yes

The false positive or false negative result is high in a dense breast because the white background makes it harder to diagnose a BC.

The same risk factors of breast cancer can affect breast density, such as age, menopausal status, the use of certain drugs (including menopausal hormone therapy), pregnancy, and genetics.
Even more interesting is the fact that over 80% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no known risk factors.
The risk of breast cancer is significantly higher in women with dense breasts. When combined with a family history of breast cancer, the risk can increase up to three times. Women with the BRCA1 gene are at an even higher risk of developing breast cancer, with up to an 11x increase in risk.
Dense breasts are classified on a scale of A to D, where C and D represent very dense breasts. A fatty breast is classified as type A, while a breast with glandular tissue and fat is classified as type B. Heterogeneously dense breasts are classified as type C, and very dense breasts are classified as type D.
Traditional mammography techniques using 2D imaging can detect an average of 41% of invasive breast cancers. However, 3D mammography can detect between 20-65% more invasive breast cancers compared to 2D imaging.
Traditional 2D mammography can also superimpose and hide early breast cancers, leading to higher rates of recalls. In contrast, 3D mammography reduces up to 40% of recalls.
Breast Tomosynthesis gives clear images and reduces tissue superimposition, which helps to detect very early breast cancers.
What is Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)?
DBT is an advanced technology mammogram that generates image synthesis from 2D to 3D. It provides an increased number of multiple angle exposure images of the breast, and the breast is viewed as per 1mm thick slices.
The process is quick, lasting only about 8 minutes, and has been shown to be more specific and sensitive in detecting early breast cancers compared to MRI. With the advent of artificial intelligence, 3D mammography technology is expected to improve even further, leading to higher detection rates and earlier diagnosis of breast cancer.
Our aim for successful breast cancer treatment is early detection.
“Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future“